Thursday, April 2, 2009

To things on manhood and husbandhood (if it's not a word it is now)

These are two resources from Mark Driscoll. I pray that these won't distract you from your devotional life with Jesus, but that they would help to keep us on the path to righteousness.

First is this Portable Digital File (PDF) learn something new each day!'s for boys only so Andrea if your reading please consider this brotherly protection and take my advice you don't wanna read this unless Matt has read it first and thinks it would be edifying for you. It's a 2 hour read and while the first third is mostly theological in genre, the second third is a transcript of Dr. J. Dobsons's interview with Ted Bundy, and the third is a serious discussion of Military life, pornography and prostitution. Pray before you read this, but this a resource that we have chosen to make available to all of the men in our ministry here and think it's something that can jolt this lazy generation of men from their complacency.

Second is this vodcast...just like a podcast, but video...two new things you may have learned today. Again something that I think is part of the wake up call that we know our generation needs, but to this point no one has done. This is just over an hour and I realize that I'm throwing a lot your way and that you are all busy but if you have some free time between classes or a bus ride that you have to take somewhere...check this out on your iPod or something. In this sermon Mark gets real with men about their laziness, apathy and chauvinism. He screams at the camera and at the audience. I got chills during this one...that's why I'm passing it on.

If you get a chance to go over any of this let me know what you think. Hidden in Jesus.



Matt Cohen said...

Andrea and I watched the Mark Driscoll sermon together. Wow! I was moved, encouraged, convicted, and inspired. I praise God for how far he has brought me and I tremble at how far I still need to grow. Absolutely amazing sermon and want to commend it to all of you.

One thing that Driscoll hinted at, but did not come out as clearly on is the importance of men as dads. One danger associated with the renewed emphasis on the man as provider is that there can be a decreased emphasis on the man as dad. There are some men that absolutely love to be the provider, but they are going to suck at being dads because all they will ever do is provide. Some of us on this blog have the propensity to become these kind of men. I am so glad Driscoll cautions us against this while calling us to our God-given responsibilities! I am grateful for this man and his ministry.

Kevin Kurtz said...

I must be honest Nick...I have not been as encouraged to be a godly husband and biblical man since Matt read his vows to Andrea. I have really really gotten a lot of encouragement from Driscoll - not just those resources, but from other sermons on his site. I love how he makes no excuses for men not acting like Jesus. I think we need lots more like him to wake us from our religious stupor (myself included). There are so many times when I am loved by acceptance and way too few times that I am loved by challenge/accountability.

Thank you.