Tuesday, August 11, 2009

fun blogs...

So, I just thou:ht I've give you all a heads up about two new blogs that I"ve discovered and have really enjoyed. I"m usually not much of a blogger, but I've found these two extremely helpful:

www.hollyfurtick.com and www.stevenfurtick.com

I don't know if you all have heard of Elevation Church in Charlotte, but these blogs have really resonated with me. Partially because they are so dang real and so non-super-spiritual! I know, that sounds so anti-Christian, but I can appreciate a blog where every word is not a scripture citation.  I don't know about all your wives, but I've found it difficult to find  Christian women's blogs that don't put me off from the get go by writing about swapping recipes or hyper-domesticity....Anyway, these blogs have been encouraging these past two weeks. What do you all think of them?

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