Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clarification & Wisdom

One of my chief concerns now that I have written the earlier post about disagreeing with Mark Driscoll concerning his interpretation of Titus 2:5 is being misunderstood. So, here are a few words of clarification.

First, we need to be careful not to construct laws where the scripture gives us principles. Arguably one of the largest themes in the Bible is wisdom. We like to construct laws because we lack wisdom and constructing laws is always simpler and easier than using biblical wisdom in order to apply the principles we are offered in scripture.

Secondly, I wholeheartedly believe that the Bible contains commands that are to be obeyed. We are not justified in rationalizing our way out of clear commands. I am not advocating that you pray for wisdom about whether or not you should fornicate. Just don't do it. In the case of Titus 2:5, however, we are not given an exhaustive explanation of what it means for a woman to work at home and take care of her children. We have to be wise about this.

Third, we can never use biblical wisdom as an excuse to make the Bible say exactly the opposite of what it says. The Bible says that women with children should work at home and take care of their kids. Though I don't believe this means she cannot do anything more than literally be at home all day, I do believe that it means she must make it her first priority to care for her children and husband. I just don't believe this excludes a mother from leaving the house...which is what she would not be allowed to do if you press this verse in a way that it is not meant to be pressed.

Fourth, I think we should be just as concerned when a mother refuses to care for her children as when a husband refuses to provide. A husband and wife are ontologically equal, but they have different roles. The husband's primary role is to lead and provide, the wife's is to be a helper-suitable to him. This is not all they do, they just don't do less!

In conclusion, I do believe that Titus 2:5 means what it says, do you? Does your wife?


Matt Cohen said...

I wrote this because I fear that if you agree with me and decide not to make Titus 2:5 into a law that is obeyed only when a wife does not have commitments outside of the home, then you will make the mistake of just chalking the verse up as being totally meaningless and having nothing authoritative to say to us. Again, wisdom is key!

Aaron Hart said...

thanks Matt. Jess and i had some good conversation regarding this.