Monday, April 12, 2010

What Is So Radical?

The other day I had some extra time and decided to take a ganders at Brian McLaren's website. Seeing that I believe that God is sovereign, the Bible is inerrant and Hell is real, I guess this was an unexpected move. McLaren denies each of my previous three affirmations. Still, I admit it, I want to learn from McLaren. He has a heart for the poor and I want so desperately for mine to grow. So, I took a ganders at his sight.

After reading a little bit I got tired and went to sleep. I've been thinking about McLaren ever since. His website has a lot of interesting articles, most of which seem to have one theme: evangelicals have domesticated and taken Jesus corporate, therefore, we have to bring people to the true, radical Jesus. Of course, this radical Jesus is a pacifist who does not believe in Hell or monologue preaching!

I think John Piper is right when he laughs at the idea that recasting Jesus as a pacifist who cares for the poor, but not about actually saving sinners from Hell, is reclaiming the radical Jesus. How is taking all the authority, wrath and intense sacrificial love away from Jesus going to make him more radical? There is nothing radical about a Jesus who is exactly like Brian McLaren!

I am truly thankful for everyone I can learn from. I mean no disrespect to Mr. McLaren. I think he has some great ideas about extending arms of mercy to the poor. Still, I have to say, don't waste your time on his website. If you want to learn about mercy ministries, then pick up Keller's Ministries of Mercy: The Call of the Jericho Road. Keller's book will teach you what McLaren, sadly, cannot: how to perform biblical, gospel-centered deeds of mercy for our brothers, sisters and neighbors (everyone!) in need.

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